Kanchanburi: Destination Unknown

My friend Amanda and I decided to get away from the city and spend some time outdoors. We had grand plans of hiking, swimming in Erawan Waterfall, and spending the night at a fancy raft hotel on the Kwai River. However, our plans took a downward spiral. We made one mistake that set off a series of unfortunate events…

That one error was going to the wrong bus station, but being pals in postivity we carried on. We finally departed from the correct station three hours after our initial departure.

At this point, we decided to forgo booking the 5 Star river raft hotel and opted to book an accommodation near the park gates so we could hike the next day. Solid plan, right?

Wrong, because our hotel…Did. Not. Exist. Unknown to us, we happily disembarked from the very last bus out of the park into the rain and fast fading daylight.

Being two foreign woman on a dirt road in the back country of Thailand, we stuck out. A nice Thai family found us confused and soaking wet on their little dirt road. They invited us into their home where nobody spoke English.

Eventually, one of the men went next door and came back with a young woman who knew as much English as we knew Thai. She became known as Umbrella Woman.

Umbrella woman then then led us to the police station, the door was open, but the officers were all gone. Under an awning and shielded from the rain, we both thought about spending the night here. Thankfully, Umbrella Woman persisted and found, The Lady in the Red Dress.

The Lady in the Red Dress, didn’t know much English, but could say “homestay”. At this point, we could roll the dice and go with this women or sleep on a concrete table outside the police station.

We rolled the dice. But, before going to the homestay, she took us to a restaurant. I guess she knew this would be our last opportunity to eat. There we met, Restaurant Woman. Restaurant Woman spoke some English and helped to assure us that the homestay was legit. Also, her food was really good.

We piled ourselves back into The Lady in the Red Dress’ pick-up truck and headed down a dark road. Finally, we arrived at the homestay and met Air-Conditioner Woman. AC woman, because she fixed the unit when we arrived, she also drove us back to town the next day on the side cart of her motorbike.

The cabin was basic, but had a roof, bed, and a toilet, no sink. Regardless, we were very thankful and cracked open our beer to celebrate.

After sleeping 11 hours, we woke up to the sound of strange new animals. To our surprise the land surrounding the cabin was beautiful! We set off to explore this really unbeaten path and were very out of place. Children rode past on motobikes and shouted “hello” in their very best English, then laughed hysterically as they drove away. A man even gestured that he wanted to take picture of us. We obliged…

We soon retraced our steps to thank all the lovely people who helped us. After completing our gratitude journey, we waited for the bus back to town. While waiting, a man who had seen us around stopped to give us mushroom soup. People can be so kind.

Thank you to Umbrella Woman, The Lady in Red-Dress, Restaurant Woman, and AC Woman.

We wondered if we were two men, or even a man and a woman, would we have received this much kindness? I am grateful to the magical tribe of women, especially these woman who came to aid of strangers. Who fed us, gave us shelter, and made us feel safe.

Kap khun ka.


Krabi (Sunglass Face Emoji)

I’ve been to Krabi twice and both times were amazing. The purpose was to get my open water scuba certification and to chill. Check, mission accomplished.

Being weightless is amazing, but paired with floating among marine life is incredible. I could easily get addicted to this.

I’m not even going to try writing a play-by-play of my time in Krabi, since it has sort of become my home away from home out here. Some of the highlights have been, learning to dive, making new friends, swimming, exploring the main land, eating, drinking, seeing some badass sunsets and seeing some bad ass monkeys.

Singapore, So Fresh and Green Green

Singapore, I barely even scratched your surface. And O.M.G.Love. I will be back.

After saying goodbye to Maggie, I headed to Krabi, Thailand, but first had a stop over in Singapore. This was my first time in a modern city in nearly 3 months and it was great.

Singapore is known as a garden city, but has visions to be, “ A City in a Garden”. It pretty much is just that, green, fresh, and so clean.

As usual, I did very little planning for this day in Singapore, but on a recommendation I went to Gardens by the Bay and the hotel roof top bar at Marina Bay Sands. Gardens by the Bay was huge and gorgeous. I spend hours wandering. Finally, I made my way to the hotel wearing my Chacos and a backpack. I didn’t realize this was a high end rooftop bar. Regardless, I was allowed in and found the cheapest thing on the menu, a $15 (USD) beer. Even for American prices that is outrageous for some mid-level hops.

After my one beer, I continued my urban hike and stumbled into Spectra-A Light and Water Show. This was a magical coordination of water, lights, and music. Pretty rad.

To offset my beverage spending, I opted to stay in a pod. Like one of those pod hotels, where you are basically assigned a box in a wall with a twin mattress and a light switch. Yup, one of those. Although tiny, I highly recommend the experience to anyone even remotely considering it. It was unique.

Singapore, see you later alligator 😉


Sister, Sister! Bangkok, Hoi An, Saigon

My sister, Maggie, came to visit! It was last minute and quick, but still awesome. The limited time meant that we had a lot to pack in.  She came on a Tuesday and I had to work until Friday. Mags got to see an accurate glimpse of my daily life in Bangkok. We ate a lot, walked a lot, explored a lot, and did some Muay Thai.

As soon as we could, we left for Vietnam. More specifically, Hoi An. This was nice break from Bangkok. Although Bangkok is nice, it is bustling, busy, and full of smells. Hoi An was literally a breath of fresh air.

We stayed in a bungalow that was a 2 minute walk from An Bang Beach. Our $10/night accommodation was clean and had everything that we needed, including beach cruisers.

Hoi An is a destination town for getting clothes tailor made, for cheap. We took advantage of this. Though inexpensive, it was definitely our biggest money drain. Turns out, it’s really fun design your own clothes.

Besides being amateur fashion designers, we ate, and drank, and ate. The food here was ahhh-mazing. We started at a place called, Morning Glory and later had to check out it’s sister restaurant, Morning Glory II. We made our way to The Secret Garden, and the Banh Mi Queen, and made sure to devour our homestay’s pho, as well as, the delicious and fresh drinks that were severed directly to us as we stared at the South China Sea.

We relaxed here.

Eventually, had to say adios to Hoi An. We packed our bags for Ho Chi Minh City, still commonly referred to as Saigon. We got in late and opted for a quiet night, so that we could say goodbye at the airport early the next morning.

Miss you girl! Love you!

Ko Samet

Ko Samet  is an island about 3 hours south of Bangkok in the Gulf of Thailand. I visited this island as part of a weekend getaway with some friends from work. Island life is laid back. Great for cruising around on a motorbike, laying at the beach, and having a nice drink. One of the highlights was the double rainbow at sunset. This encapsulated one side of the sky while amazing and vibrant clouds overtook the other side.

Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park

My second excursion outside the city was to Thailand’s first marine national park, Khao Sam Roi Yot. After a 4 hour bus trip I took a 30 minute motortaxi ride and finally arrived at my destination.

This little beach community was my home for the next 24 hours. It was quiet and dotted with beach bars and food stands. I had a quiet night by the beach so that I would be ready for Sunday’s adventures.

Sam Roi Yot is named after the 300+ limestone peaks. I rented a motorbike and spent the day cruising between mountains, hiking, exploring caves, swimming in the ocean, and having a stare down with a monkey. There were many really awesome sights at this park, check it.


Kao Takiab/Hua Hin

My first trip out of the city was to a beach town called, Hua Hin. I actually stayed by a beach just south of there. The water was so warm, I stayed in for hours. Literally hours.

The next day I took my beach cruiser bicycle out for trip and landed at Wat Khao Krailart, a Buddhist temple. I decided to have a wander and was greeted by a women named, Lucky. Lucky spoke English very well and gave me a thorough private tour of the grounds. It was a magical moment.

I didn’t pull out my camera a lot of this trip, but here are a few snaps.



Bangkok, here I am. You are big. You are crazy. You are fun. Every time I turn around you have something interesting to show me. Some things can be photographed, others things just need to be observed.

Here are some of the visual highlights my of adventures in Bangkok so far: